We've brought our Lil Rocker home from Maine and showered him off. Now, the little fella's resting comfortably in our carport. (You'll notice I've already determined his gender and name. Hope The Wife doesn't mind.)
Thus far, Wife and I have spent only one night in the trailer, the second night we owned him. We would have slept inside the first night, but it was late in the afternoon when we got back on the road to Arkansas. We felt we really didn't have time to find a suitable campground. In the Northeast in mid-November, not many are open. So, we found an inexpensive motel.
The second night, we located a private campground that was open just off the Interstate in Western Pennsylvania, I think it was. Craig and Ardeene, the previous owners, had told us that condensation would be something we'd experience, just like in a tent. They suggested we bring along several towels to roll up and place between the windows and curtains to keep the condensation from dripping on us as we slept. Great tip, especially since the cold that night undoubtedly made the condensation worse. We were dry, but when we woke up the next morning, the walls and roof were quite wet. We hadn't vented the cabin properly -- at all, in fact -- and I'm sure that had contributed to the heavy dew inside. Rookie mistake. We'll learn.
Although cold, the day was sunny, so we opened Lil Rocker's windows slightly, and he dried out as we motored toward home. About halfway there, though, a very nice Amish couple in a black minivan signaled us that our lights/brake plug had come loose. Apparently, a variation in how the hitch was mounted on my vehicle, compared to Craig/Ardeene's, had caused the plug to pop out when I'd made a very sharp right turn at a service station or somewhere. But I hadn't realized it at the time.
Anyway, Craig and Ardeene, had told us that, as teardroppers, duck tape would quickly become our friend. They were right, of course, but didn't know that I have worshipped at the duck tape altar for many years, and had a new roll at the ready.
We signalled our thanks to the Amish couple and pulled off at the next exit. The pavement had ground off a good portion of the plug's case, but it still made good contact, and I was able to reconnect it. My trusty duck tape held it. During the return trip, I had to cut the tape off twice when we stopped for the night. If I hadn't disconnected the plug, Lil Rocker may have drained our car battery. An isolator will prevent that, but I'm not sure I want to spend the money and add another modification to our new Forester's electrical system. Pulling the plug just ain't that bothersome. Anybody have any thoughts?
Wife and I already are thinking hard about our spring trip, and beginning to outfit Lil Rocker to suit us. If you happen to pass us then, wave big -- and keep the rubber to the road and the shiny side up!